We hope by now you have received your 30-Day Devotional Guide created by your Flourish Committee. If you haven't, we may not have a correct address for you. You can find a printable pdf version of the Devotional on our website www.theflourishconference.org or at www.cggcwomen.org. Over the next several months, we will be posting each devotional on our blog as well, helping us to celebrate this milestone throughout the year. Today's blog post commemorates the seventh and eighthyear of the March Retreat.
#10 2001 Speaker: Anita Renfroe It’s a Party
“And bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate. For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’ And they began to celebrate.”
~Luke 15:23-24 (ESV)~
Many simply refer to it as the “Prodigal Son”—the story of a Father’s youngest son that demands his share of his father’s inheritance now. He receives it and turns his back on his father and his family. This son had everything—a loving father, a good family, a nice home, riches, and an even wealthier future inheritance—but he turned his back on all of it to satisfy his selfish, earthly pleasures now. He quickly uses it all up and decides to return home, figuring he’ll beg to be hired as a servant. Instead, his father welcomes him home and throws a party in his honor, much to the chagrin of the oldest son.
That is one of three similar parables found in the fifteenth chapter of Luke. All three tell the tale of something that’s been lost and then found, of a sinner who repents and turns back to God. Make no mistake about it—in each instance, the heavens indeed “PARTY!” and rejoice greatly for every convicted sinner that repents and returns home.
Which son do you resonate with—the youngest or the oldest son? Did you ever consider that both sons are prodigals? We often see this more easily in the younger son, but the oldest son was as well because he believed that by staying home and working, he had earned his inheritance (eternity in heaven).
Both were wrong about how to obtain their father’s favor. Are we also confused? Do you see that each of us are also prodigal sons? Do we assume we deserve God’s grace and a place at His feet forever? Have we thought ourselves to be more deserving, to be egotistical and arrogant? “Search my heart, oh God, and know my heart…” (Psalms 139:23)
Come home to your forever Father. Let His Word wash you clean every day so that you not only have the knowledge of God, but you have a relationship with Him and are known by Him.
Author: Lynn Kaufman