We hope by now you have received your 30-Day Devotional Guide created by your Flourish Committee. If you haven't, we may not have a correct address for you. You can find a printable pdf version of the Devotional on our website www.theflourishconference.org or at www.cggcwomen.org. Over the next several months, we will be posting each devotional on our blog as well, helping us to celebrate this milestone throughout the year. Today's blog post commemorates the twenty-fifth year of the March Retreat.
#25 2016 Speakers: Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil; Kim Kinter
Musicians: Sue & Jeff Duffield Comedian: Joyce Sankey
Dream Big
“Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible,
but with God all things are possible.’”
~Matthew 19:26~
Every person dreams of what they want to be when they grow up. For some, their dreams are easy to attain; but for others, their dreams seem out of reach. However, Matthew 19:26 says, “Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’” Think about what you dreamed about as a little girl. Did you achieve your dreams, or did God place a different dream in your heart as you grew up?
Some people know exactly what they want from the time they are little, and they achieve those dreams with ease. Others dream of one thing, and then something in their heart changes, and their life seems to go in another direction. Then others seem to struggle with their dreams. Why is that? I think it all has to do with faith. Do we trust God to give us the desires of our hearts?
Think about Psalms 37:4, which says, “Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” As a child, I thought that meant that God would give me everything that I wanted when I wanted it. However, as I learn and grow, I see that God is changing my heart. Therefore, my desires are changing. It has become more about growing His Kingdom than my gathering and holding onto things.
So, keep on dreaming. Pray for God to help you to achieve the impossible. You will be surprised about how much hope there is when we dare to dream and reach for the stars.
Dear God, we thank you for the blessings you place in all of our lives. Please remind us that no matter what we dare to dream, that you are there with us to help us and cheer us on to success. Remind us that we need your help each and every day. Amen
Author: Jennifer Rodriguez